Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm 60.4% pure.. or 60.4% not pure?

Wow. Not sure how I, um, came across it again, but it seems the The Purity Test will never die. There are several places on the web with multitude versions of it, but the "500 Question Unisex, Omnisexual Purity Test" at is pretty much the standard.

In fact, my curiosity overrode my better judgment and I went ahead and took it other day (for shits and giggles).. and was a little disappointed. Yeah, I remember it being cooler back when I was in high school. haha. Some of the questions are repeated, and some just don't seem to be relevant or, at least, interesting to me now. But I guess one's perspective on life changes ten years on.. like, duh.

That said, just seeing the test again sparked memories of some formidable times growing up in Rhode Island (for high school). Endurance sports and girls and "possibility for adventure" (of any sort) were all just starting to enter into my worldview; definitely a pivotal era for me. If you were around then, let's get together and talk about Code Purple, horsenoises, and/or The Baker, ok? Oh man, totally silly and totally goodtimes. hahahaha..

In any case, for the record, I'm 60.4% pure (or is that 60.4% not pure?). Regardless, yeah - I admit - I need to get out more. haha. So, what's *your* score?

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