Friday, August 24, 2007

They left me rambling and corybantic

The rumblings left me left and right, they left me rambling and corybantic. To that (the situation, not her), I said, "how could she have left me?" I mean, I thought I had things under control; I *had* the situation under control.. I know I did (but I guess that reality went the way of my lady). She's gone. And, appropriately and frantically enough, I said - again, I ended up saying this out loud and upon absent ears: "I thought I had things under control!"

Alas, but such was not the case (and I was alone).

In situations comparable, one wonders - and one keeps wondering at all times forever, sometimes via parable - what makes the neglected (like me) tick and tock; and how can I *not* be more conscientious of others lost among the multitudes (again, like me); and perhaps there *is* a place for a derelict-to-be (like me, three times repeated)? For these, I wish for a trinity of positive responses to be winked most immodestly vis-à-vis her carefully groomed eyelashes (they pop!). Say it with me now: "yes, yes, yes!" You see, the ess's slip off *my* tongue so easily, and I can't get enough of that steaming-kettle sound (or, at least, that is how I dream it to be).

Alas, but such was not the case (and I was alone).

People on both sides of the equation are, paradoxically, in favor of a better life, even when they can't agree on the specifics of the definition. So even with - or perhaps because of - these bestest of intentions, caustic splits begin; idyllic designs for the future never come to fruition. And it seems the wicked means of these intrinsic games-in-play are reasonably unintentional, but still, they reverberate internally as confusing conflicts of flippant interest. Finally, when these sorts of thoughts are snagged within your grasp, one wonders - here, via exclamation! - silently and, yeah, to no one in particular: "It does not have to be this way!"

Alas, but such *is* the case; so, let it be..

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