Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The shoes make the man

They say the shoes make the man. And, for me at least, I'd have to agree.

You see, I picked up a new pair of running shoes - Nike Air Structure Triax 10 - a few weeks ago, and got myself back into the groove of running injury-free(ish); I'm back running 2-4 days a week now.. for maybe 3-5 miles at a time. In fact, my weekly total broke into double digits for the first time in years last week (which seems sort of pathetic to write, given that I've approached triple digits before - a lifetime ago). Still, my expectations have been reset and there's no where to go but up.

And shit-if-it-don't-feel-good. (It do.)

Well, I could stand to be a bit stronger, of course, but I'm enjoying the consistency. Just a touch of the running in a given day changes my whole attitude and outlook; I even enjoy the anticipation of a run I've planned for later. It's like whatever else I did (or didn't do) that day is all good.. because "at least I went for a run". Sounds like the old cliché about running being a drug and all that rings a little true here; forget your worries and just breathe in the contentment! For reals.

When I mentioned to a friend that I started running again, she asked, "What made you start?" To that I replied, "The better question is, 'What has been stopping me?'" In other words, I would run every day if I could! But I've had a string of injuries over the years which have held me back a bit.. and make for a whine-session I have no interest in recounting now; I'm at peace with respect to where I'm at (sport-wise).

As I mentioned, expectations have been reset; I still love to breathe, and I do it as often as possible. See you on the road!

UPDATE: On the walk over to the pool this afternoon, I remembered that I was also running regularly last winter, but didn't keep any formal training records; still, I'm sure I was getting in some weekly millage approaching 20 or 25. Man, that seems a long time ago..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd always prefer my josef seibel shoes for my running and i feel comfortable...