Friday, September 21, 2007

A "word of caution" is in order

I reread the previous entry and I think I should have introduced it with a "disclaimer" or "word of caution". You see, the entry contains an inordinate amount of words in quotes, not to cite someone else's "work", but to indicate that these words are being used with a "fuzzy" (for sure) or "novel" (I wish) definition; picture me "winking" at you when saying those words aloud.

It is totally "reasonable" to use quotes in this manner, but somehow I feel they - with "overuse" in a particular piece - can be an easy way out from explaining yourself properly as a writer, and, as a result, shifting the responsibility for "getting it" a bit too far towards the "reader". Ultimately, these devices can become a "handicap" for the real transfer of ideas. So, maybe I'll revisit that last post at some point in the "future", as a "real writer", and fill in the (implied) blanks. ;)

Until then, "salud"!

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