Thursday, December 20, 2007

I would think to ask about your beers

My local Lucky's put a couple of brews from Firestone Walker Brewing on sale this week, and so, I *had* to pick something up; I've read such good things about them and, now, the price was right. And all I can say is that I've been missing out. Their Pale Ale is now my go-to, high-quality, session beer at the house, PBR or Tecate party nights notwithstanding. haha. Come by and we'll put back a few (if we don't break out some of my more exotic offerings, like Ommegang's Chocolate Indulgence Stout or Russian River's Damnation Batch 23).

On another beer-related note, I've removed The Beer Pirate from the "Social Lubricants" link list on the right. No offense - it's a fine site - but it's not updated frequently enough, or with enough "required reading", for me to keep it.

But I do have a replacement: Pacific Brew News Blog, a site with great beer-related news and reviews, updated a few times a week; it's associated with the folks - it *is* the folks - that put out the Pacific Brew News print 'zine found in better beer stores here on the West Coast. If you live in the area and are into beer, it's required reading, for sure, but many of the stories have appeal to the beer world at large.

Yeah, so, get acquainted with the PBN crew via their Favorite Beers of 2007; in fact, you can learn a lot about *anyone* by talking with them about their favorite beers (and I guess it says something about me that I would think to ask). Cheers! And, no, really, do tell..

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