Thursday, November 15, 2007

Would you lick it?

I just picked up a new stick of Tom's of Maine Deodorant at Trader Joe's yesterday, and, to my amusement, it says "Improved with Hops!" right up there on the front of the packaging. It seems that hops inhibit the growth of gram-positive (odor-causing) bacteria and, therefore, are a welcome natural addition to the ingredient list.

Is there nothing that plant can't do?

As you may or may not know, hops are also used as a flavoring and preservation agent in most types of beer. In fact, some of my favorite beer styles - IPAs and Imperial Stouts come to mind - are brewed with a very liberal amount of the stuff. In short, I dig the seasoning.

Yeah, so even though the deodorant is supposed to be "unscented", it totally smells citrusy to me (with an undercurrent of sweet pine).. oh, and I know why: it's my imagination going into hop-overload! haha. Well, even if that *is* the case, part of me still wants to - after a deep breath of the stuff - to lick it. And unless I'm going to be kissing you after such an impulsive act, who's to argue with *my* reality. ;)

Check it out for yourself.

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